Privacy Policy

How we protect your data

Handling your data

Privacy Policy

How we protect your data

Handling your data

Dear visitors to our Internet portal,
to ensure you feel safe and secure while visiting our websites, we wish to inform you in the text below about the use of your data. We hereby reject the use of contact details published as part of the obligation to provide legal details in order for third parties to send not explicitly requested advertisements and promotional material. The operator of the pages explicitly reserves the right to undertake legal steps in the event of unrequested submission of promotional material, such as spam.

Data use

In order to improve the quality of our websites, we save data about the individual access to our pages. We do this for statistical purposes. These data records consist of

  • the page which the file was requested from,
  • the name of the file,
  • the date and time of the request,
  • the amount of data transmitted,
  • the access status (file transmitted, file not found),
  • the description of the type of used web browser,
  • the IP address of the requesting computer, omitting the final three digits.

These details are saved anonymously according to the German Telemediengesetz (TMG). It is therefore not possible to create personalized user profiles.


Cookies are small files which are saved in the memory of the end device which you use to visit our website. Cookies allow it to retain information for a certain period and to identify the computer of the visitor. To help guide the user and improve the individual performance, we utilize so-called session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Permanent cookies remain saved on your computer after you close your browser. You can set your browser to inform you of where cookies are located or to prevent the saving of cookies. If you prevent cookies from saving, parts of our website may not be displayed properly or they may be restricted in their functionality.

Webtracking Tools

For marketing purposes and optimization of the website, we use the following webtracking tools:

Google Analytics and opt-out feature

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, i.e. text files which are saved on your computer and allow analysis of the website use. The information created by the cookies about your use of this website are generally transmitted to and saved on a Google server in the USA. However, because we have IP anonymity enabled on this website, your IP address is shortened by Google beforehand if you visit the website from members of the European Union or other contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA in exceptional cases and is shortened there. In our case, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports of website activity and to provide us with services associated with the website use and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser for Google Analytics is not merged with other data from Google.
We create pseudonym user profiles with help of Google Analytics. You can opt out of this profile creation at any time:

  1. You can block the saving of cookies using a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, please note that this would mean that the full range of functions on this website will be available.
  2. Depending on the browser you use, you may be able to install a browser add-on, which would prevent tracking. To do so, you would click and install the browser add-on located there.
  3. A further option to reject the web analysis through Google Analytics consists of setting an opt-out cookie which instructs Google not to use your data for purposes of web analysis. Please note that this solution only prevents web analysis for the time that the opt-out cookie is saved by the browser. If you want to set the opt-out cookie, follow this link:
  4. Additionally or als alternative to the browser add-on you can prevent tracking by Google Analytics on our pages by clicking this link. We will then install an Opt-Out-Cookie on your device. As long as this cookie is present in your browser, Google Analytics will not track you on this website for this browser.

WordPress Stats and opt-out feature

This website uses Stats, a tool for statistical evaluation of user access operated by Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110-4929, USA, utilizing the tracking technology from Quantcast Inc., 201 3rd St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103-3153, USA. Stats uses so-called “cookies”, i.e. text files which are saved on your computer and allow analysis of the website use. The information about your use of the Internet generated by the cookie is saved on a server in the USA. The anonymity of your IP address is ensured immediately after processing and before saving. You can prevent the installation of cookies through a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, please note that you may not be able to fully use all functions of this website. You can reject future data gathering and data use by Quantcast by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. To do so, follow the link and click “OPT OUT”: If you delete all cookies from your computer, you will need to set the opt-out cookie again.

MyFonts Counter

For statistical purposes, our website counts the number of page views using a so-called web beacon and then transmit the count to the server of Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., 500 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801, USA.

Use of social networking features

We use the following social networking features:

Facebook share button

Plug ins from the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA) are integrated on our pages. You can recognize the Facebook plug ins from the Facebook logo or the corresponding text references on our page. You can find an overview of the Facebook plug ins here:
When you visit our pages, the plug in establishes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Facebook receives the information that you have visited our page with your IP address. If you press the Facebook “share” button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can post a link to the contents on our pages from your Facebook profile. Thus, Facebook can assign the visit to our pages to your user account. Please note that we as providers have no knowledge of the contents of the transmitted data or how Facebook uses it. Further information about this is provided in Facebook’s data use policy:
If you do not want Facebook to be able to assign your visit to our page with your Facebook user account, simply log out of your Facebook user account.

Google +1

Gathering and sharing information:
With the “Google+ Share” button, you can publish information worldwide. The Google+ Share button gives you and other users personalized content from Google and our partners. Google saves both the information that you have shared and also information about the page that you viewed when pressing “Share”. Your share activity can be shown as references together with your profile name and your photo in Google services, for example in search results or in your Google profile, or also on other websites or advertisements on the Internet.
Google records information about your sharing activity in order to improve Google services for you and other users. To enable the Google+ share button, you need a globally-visible, public Google profile which needs to contain at least the selected name. This name is used in all Google services. In some cases, this name can also replace another name which you have used for sharing contents via your Google account. The identity of your Google profile can be displayed to users who know your e-mail address or who have other identifying information.
Use of the recorded information:
As well as the use purposes described above, the information you have provided are used according to the valid Google data policies. Google may publish summarized statistics about the sharing activity of their users or forward these to users and partners such as publishers, advertisers or associated websites.


Twitter features are integrated on our pages. These features are offered through Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” function, the websites you visit are linked with your Twitter account and published to other users. At the same time, data is transmitted to Twitter.
Please note that we as providers have no knowledge of the contents of the transmitted data or how Twitter uses it. Further information about this is provided in Twitter’s data use policy:
You can edit your data protection settings for Twitter in the account settings at

XING Share Button

The “XING share button” is used on this Internet page. When clicking on the Internet page, the browser establishes a short-term connection to the servers of XING AG (“XING”), that are responsible for the “XING share button” functions (in particular, the calculation / display of the counter value). XING does not save any personal data about your usage behavior for this Internet page. XING neither saves IP addresses in particular nor evaluates your usage behavior by using cookies related to the “XING share button”. The current privacy policy regarding the “XING share button” and additional information is provided on this Internet page:

LinkedIn Recommend button:

Plug ins of the social network LinkedIn of the LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Sterling Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ( “LinkedIn”) are integrated on this page. You can recognize the LinkedIn plug ins from the LinkedIn logo or the “share” button (“recommend”) on this page. When you visit this page, the plug in establishes a direct connection between your browser and the LinkedIn server. LinkedIn receives the information that you have visited this page with your IP address. If you press the LinkedIn “share” button while you are logged into your LinkedIn account, you can post a link to the contents on this page from your LinkedIn profile. Thus, LinkedIn can assign the visit to this page to your user account. Please note that we as providers have no knowledge of the contents of the transmitted data or how LinkedIn uses it. Details on data collection (purpose, scope, further processing, usage) as well as on your rights and setting options are provided in the privacy policy of LinkedIn. It is provided under by LinkedIn.


In order to protect your data against undesired access, we use an encryption procedure on these pages. Your data is transmitted over the Internet from your computer to our server and vice versa via a 128 bit SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. You can recognize this from the closed lock symbol in the status bar of your browser and the https:// in your address bar.


BankingHub regularly dispatches e-mail newsletters to zeb clients and readers who have signed up for our mailing list. We use the Campaign Monitor list provider (404/3-5 Stapleton Ave, Sutherland NSW 2232, Sydney, Australia) for dispatching our newsletter.

If you sign up for our newsletter, the data (name, e-mail address) you have entered for the newsletter registration will be transferred to and stored at Campaign Monitor.

Newsletter subscription and dispatch

You can subscribe to a newsletter on our website. Please note that we need you to provide certain data (at least your e-mail address) for the newsletter subscription.

The newsletter will only be dispatched if you have given us your express consent pursuant to GDPR Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a. After placing an order on our websites, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided (so-called double opt-in). You can withdraw your consent at any time. We provide you with an uncomplicated possibility to withdraw, for example, via the unsubscribe link provided in every newsletter.

Within the scope of the newsletter subscription we store data in addition to the aforementioned details, insofar as we need them to prove that you have ordered our newsletter. This may include storing the complete IP address at the time of ordering or confirming the newsletter, as well as a copy of the confirmation e-mail sent by us. We process the relevant data on the basis of GDPR Art. 6 Para. 1 Cl. 1 lit. f. and for the purpose of being able to account for the lawfulness of the newsletter dispatch.

We use the Campaign Monitor list provider (404/3-5 Stapleton Ave, Sutherland NSW 2232, Sydney, Australia) for dispatching our newsletter. If you sign up for our newsletter, the data (name, e-mail address) you have entered for the newsletter registration will be transferred to and stored at Campaign Monitor. The Campaign Monitor service provider is located in Australia, while the data is processed on servers / data centers in the USA. Campaign Monitor offers comprehensive analysis options about how the newsletters are opened and used. These analyses are group-related and will not be used for individual evaluations of the newsletter recipients. Further information on Campaign Monitor and their privacy policy is provided under:

You can unsubscribe to the newsletter at any time with effects for the future (e.g. via e-mail to

Contact form

If you want to use our contact form, we will need your name and e-mail address. You can share further information, but you are not obliged to do so. We use your data for dispatching demanded information.

Your rights as a user

As a website user, the GDPR grants you certain rights when processing your personal data.

  1. Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR):
    You have the right to obtain confirmation at to whether or not personal data con-cerning you is being processed, and, where that is the case access to the personal data and the information specified in Art. 15 GDPR.
  1. Right to rectification and erasure (Art. 16 and 17 GDPR):
    You have the right to obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and, if necessary, the right to have incomplete personal data completed.
    You also have the right to obtain an erasure of the personal data concerning you without undue delay, if one of the reasons listed in Art. 17 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data is no longer necessary for the intended purpose.
  1. Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR):
    If one of the conditions set forth in Art. 18 GDPR applies, you shall have the right to restrict the processing of your data to mere storage, e.g. if you revoke consent, to the processing, for the duration of a possible examination.
  1. Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR):
    In certain situations, listed in Art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, common and machine-readable format or de-mand a transmission of the data to another third party
  1. Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR):
    If the data is processed pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (data processing for the purposes of the legitimate interests), you have the right to object to the processing at any time for reasons arising out of your particular situation. We will then no longer process personal data, unless there are demonstrably compelling legitimate grounds for processing, which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the person con-cerned, or the processing serves the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending legal claims.
  1. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority:
    Pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider the processing of the data concerning you infringes data protection regulations. The right to lodge a complaint may be invoked in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or the place of the al-leged infringement.



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