Tobias Hilpert / author BankingHub

Tobias Hilpert

Senior Consultant

Tobias Hilpert is Senior Consultant in the Practice Group Private Banking, Asset & Wealth Management at zeb. In this role, he is working on projects with a focus on Strategy & Management Consulting.


Office Zurich
Gutenbergstr 1
8002 Zurich


+41 445 609-729

Articles by Tobias Hilpert

Cover whitepaper: Private Banking Study Germany 2022

Private Banking Study Germany 2022

The assets of German private banking customers are growing steadily: in 2022, they already amounted to EUR 7.2 trillion and are expected to increase to EUR 10.3 trillion by 2027. In our Private Banking Study Germany 2022, we have comprehensively analyzed the German private banking market. In this article, we provide an insight into the results.

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