Innovation & Digital

Digital banking, trends and innovations in the financial industry

Our articles on innovative business models, key technologies and exciting innovations.

Data lakehouse: the next logical step in data management?

Data lakehouse: the next logical step in data management?

Assessment of the data lakehouse concept for financial services providers.
Voxo – analysis-on-voice-conversation-content / BankingHub

Voxo – analysis on voice conversation content

Interview with Iman Pouya, founder of Voxo.

Devising the bank of the future

Why a digital banking ecosystem can be the future of retail banking.

Changing the core banking system – the agony of choice

Challenges and success factors for an informed selection decision.

Regulatory required data quality as decision-making support

different regulatory requirements have been trying to further enhance the capacities of banks to cope with stress and crisis situations.

Advising customers personally and securely on the web — co-browsing forges ahead

The latest technological trends are considerably changing the usage behavior of bank customers. At heart, the issue is how banks and insurance companies should


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